Thursday, May 03, 2012

3 Ghastly Family Mistakes As A Home Business Professional

"What are these ghastly mistakes?" you ask.

They are:

1. Don't listen.
2. Don't care enough.
3. Do move full speed ahead.

*** Ghastly Mistake Number One: Don't Listen ***

Walking in the front door of your home, you hear your spouse say: "I need you to listen to me for a few moments (or more) and I need your attention."

And glancing his or her way, you do "listen" -- at least to a degree.

You hear, but you don't hear the heart.

You take the time but you come up just shy of really "being there."

You give attention, but in reality it falls short of the dedicated attention you would normally give to a business associate who needs your assistance.

"Listening" in this way, the one interacting with you immediately senses the reality of your presence in the room: you are not "there."

Not totally.
Not for them.
And not tuned in to their needs.

*** Ghastly Mistake Number Two: Don't Care Enough ***

During the middle of your normal 60 plus hour business week, your child hints at going to the park...

Or visiting the pet store,
Or taking a ride,
Or getting something for school,
Or playing catch,
Or anything else her or she might enjoy.

You, however, remain too busy: again. And your "being too busy" was not the first time: not by a long and very, very sad shot.

*** Ghastly Mistake Number Three: Move Full Speed Ahead ***

You don't listen because you must keep moving.

You do not stop to enjoy, care or spend time because you must keep moving forward or "it will never happen."

And what is this somewhat illusive yet never too far from the home front "it" that must take place? Answer: it is whatever occupies your time, energy and/or personal space at the expense of the needs, joys and realistic desires of those in your home.

You simply move forward because successful, on target, purpose-driven business people keep moving.

They set the pace.
They keep up the momentum.
They make things happen.

How To Avoid The Three Ghastly Mistakes!

1. Listen.
2. Care.
3. Move Forward In Wisdom

*** Avoiding Ghastly Mistake Number One: Listen ***

Listed below you will discover three suggestions that will help you avoid this all too common blunder made within the home environment:

1. Decide in your heart that you will listen: *truly* listen.

2. Train your heart to hear the heartbeats of those closest to you.

3. Don't give up!

Simply deciding helps. Easy? Is it easy to *truly* listen?
Absolutely not.

But it is absolutely necessary.

Honestly decide to improve your skill set as a listener.

And train your heart.

You train by trying, failing, getting back up again on the inside and working at it again and again on the outside.

1. Work at hearing the heart and not just the words being said.

2. Watch the body posture, listen to the voice tone, look at the eyes.

3. Work at carefully listening to the spoken and unspoken needs of those closest to you.

*** Avoiding Ghastly Mistake Number Two: Care! ***

Care "enough."

That is, care just enough so that the other person:

Knows it,
Feels it,
Senses it,
And is Grateful for it.

Can you guarantee "being grateful" for your efforts? No, you cannot.

You can, however, know from the inside out that you: (1) took the time you needed to take; (2) listened as best as you could; and (3) loved as you would love to be loved.

Allow your caring heart to drive you deeper and deeper *toward* those you love as opposed to farther *away* from them as you care for the needs of your business.

Keep working at caring in these ways and your own heart will guide you in the process of caring yet more.

Listen to your heart.

As you listen, act and respond in love to the promptings of your own heart, you will increase the probability that those around you will feel in their hearts that you are caring... "enough."

*** Avoiding Ghastly Mistake Number Three: Move Forward In Wisdom ***

What does moving forward "in wisdom" mean?

It means that as you learn, grow and develop in the disciplines of listening and caring for those closest to you, that you:

1. Pay attention to your shortcomings and correct them as you go.

2. Affirm your worth as you continue to grow and experience your various "at home successes."

Notice the two concepts involved: personal correction and personal affirmation. Moving forward in wisdom means carrying on a healthy balancing act between these two important aspects of self-development.

*** Now Go And Do! ***

And Move Forward In Wisdom as you do!

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